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Tag Day

Students travel in groups around the neighborhood raising money for the West Potomac music department!


Tag Day is the biggest annual fundraiser for the West Potomac Performing Arts Department. All students are expected to participate–and they need parent drivers. Proceeds are divided according to each music department’s number of participants.

How Does It Work?

Students form small teams–4 is the ideal number–and go door-to-door in the community, distributing “tags” that list this year’s band, chorus, theatre, orchestra and guitar events. The kids invite the residents to come see them in action–and to support them through donations that will pay for instruments, uniforms, costumes, transportation, scholarships, etc.

Why Are Parents Needed?

Each student must have a parent driver. Students aren’t to drive themselves. Parents drive the student team to their assigned community and park on the street nearby. As students collect cash, the parent can hold it and drive students from section to section of the assigned community.

What’s The Schedule?

The day is broken into two shifts (morning and afternoon), and student teams can choose to work one or both. Report to Springbank at the start of your chosen shift. Meet your team and choose a community from the list.
You’ll be logged in and receive all your supplies including a script so you’ll know what to say to potential donors!

There will be a pizza lunch in between shifts–when first shift returns and before second shift sets out.

How Can Parents Volunteer?

Email the boosters at to sign up!

September 7

Back to School Night

September 14

Home football game w/ Sandburg