Help support our choir department!

The West Potomac Choir is responsible for a large portion of its own fundraising. Throughout the year, we have a variety of different opportunities for the community to help support our department- check out some of them below!

Business Sponsorships:

The WP Choir Boosters provide advertising for local businesses who generously support our program through sponsorships. A business sponsorship is a great way for the community to support the Choir program.  We would love to build new relationships with businesses interested in supporting our community.  

Notes for:  Choir Families
Please help us find sponsors! We rely on parents to find sponsors from among their contacts, friends, and families.  Share this information with potential sponsors.

Business Sponsors

Soprano (Platinum) $500 and above

Alto (Gold) $250 to $499

Tenor (Silver) $100 to $249

Bass (Bronze) $1 to $99

All sponsors will be listed by name in the concert programs and on the choir website page.   Please reach out to us to find out more information!

Email us at:

If you would like to donate to the Boosters please do by clicking the blue button below.

$1000 Maestro Level

$500 Directors Level

$250 Conductors Level

$100 Whole Note Level

$50 Half Note Level

$25 Quarter Note Level

$___________(Any amount is greatly appreciated!)

Please email to let us know who you would like to dedicate or name for your donation and if you would like it to be listed in our concert flyers!  We are looking forward to a great year and appreciate all of your support! Thank you!

Upcoming Fundraisers

  • Tag Day

    The West Potomac Music Department’s biggest single day fundraiser! Students go out into the community, going door to door to tell people about our programs and ask for donations.